girl getting hard done by older woman - documentary family photography

February 19, 2018

Collective Post

“To be nobody-but-yourself – in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else – means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop fighting.”
– E.E. Cummings

reflection of kids with prank glasses - documentary family photographyCelina Bailey

baby girl plays with spoon at dinner - documentary family photographyErika Roa

kid licks the beater - documentary family photographyJenny Rusby

kid staring in to aquarium - documentary family photographyCarrie Yuan

girl at bookstore - documentary family photographyChrystal Cienfuegos

kids at stop walk - documentary family photographyLacey Monroe

Natasha Kelly

sunlight on trashcan with boy's silhouette - documentary family photographyLeslie Kershaw

girl yelling in spot of sunlight -documentary family photographyLisa Coker

kids on balcony - documentary family photographyKym Vitar

girl doing dishes - documentary family photographyMichelle McDaid

kids identifying natural beach items - documentary family photographyMeg Pitts

family loading back of van - documentary family photographyHeather Bowser

boy playing with dinosaurs - documentary family photographyRobin Stephenson

girl getting hard done by older woman - documentary family photographyAniya Emtage Legnaro