Child throwing laundry on table - Family Documentary Photography

Meet Natasha Kelly

Contributor Profiles

Nastasha is from Melbourne, Australia. She is a mother of three and a lover of Game of Thrones and one of the co-founders of Sham of the Perfect.  

Where can we find you online (Website, Facebook, Instagram)?

Child throwing laundry on table - Family Documentary Photography

What’s your favorite lens for shooting this type of work?  And do you have any accessories you just love (filter, bag, camera strap, etc.)?

Up until last month, I was only using my Canon 28mm 1.8. I bought myself a 35mm 1.4 Sigma ART lens for my birthday in February & now that is my favourite! As for accessories, I love my Ciesta handstrap.

child on slip & slide - Family Documentary Photography

What are you drawn to document? Is there a particular composition, technique, or mood you love?

I’m drawn to documenting those little moments that often get missed but are the ones that you find yourself really wanting to remember as time goes by. I love capturing the ‘everyday’ things – the little messes, quick little cuddles, the tantrums, everything!

I do love a wide shot, being able to take everything in & I find that I’m drawn to the shadows.

son helping father - Family Documentary Photography

What is the most valuable tip you have learned in pursuit of shooting in a more documentary style?

Always have your camera somewhere accessible, charged, card in & ready to go! My camera lives on my kitchen bench & is always on. That way, as we are going about our day, if I start to see something unfold, I can grab it right away.

Kids throwing clothes in bedroom - Family Documentary Photography

Why is storytelling photography important to you?  Why do you feel compelled to shoot with this approach?

Because I’m a storyteller. I always have been & I always will be! But it’s taken me a long time to realise this. I’m so fascinated by history, not really those major events but personal history, & I guess I want to capture what will become my own history & that of the people I photograph. Ever since I was a kid, I’ve been fastidiously documenting – writing journals, taking photos, researching my family tree – I guess storytelling photography is part of it & just makes sense to me. Also, if you’ve seen the state of my house with three kids, if I only wanted to photograph ‘perfect’ moments, I’d not have any photos at all!

Kids jumping on bed - Family Documentary Photography

Briefly tell us about your journey into family documentary photography.

I think it began from when I was a kid. I loved pouring over Mum & Dad’s old black & white photos. My favourites were always the candid ones. They were all so alive – young versions of them mucking around with friends & siblings, grandparents & other relatives that I had never had a chance to meet. So, I guess, ever since I first picked up a camera it was about documenting. When I was in high school, I wanted to photograph music festivals, then I became a freelance writer, documenting peoples stories that way. When I had my children, I wanted to document them. Every teeny tiny piece of them. When I finally got up the courage to go into business, there was never a doubt in my mind of what I wanted to photograph. I just wanted to photograph families being themselves, to show them that these little moments that make up their lives are important, not just the big, sparkly special events.

kid jumping off swingset - Perfectly Real Artist

Perfectly Real – Jen Gardiner

Featured, Featured Artist

Our June Perfectly Real artist is the fantastic Jen Gardiner of Eyelet Photography.  We loved the rich colors and moody light in her images. You can check out more of her work at, on Facebook, or Instagram.

kid jumping off swingset - Perfectly Real Artist

What’s your favorite lens for shooting this type of work?  And do you have any accessories you just love (filter, bag, camera strap, etc.)?

My favourite lens right now is my Sigma 35mm f/1.4 Art.  I love being able to get up really close but still be able to step back to get a wide angle.  Plus it’s great in low light.  I’ve been trying to take out my 12-24mm more because it’s pretty fun to use and I take my broken 50mm everywhere just incase I’m in the mood to freelens.  I love my Bloom Theory camera scarf strap.  I’m always asked where I got it.  And I’m pretty lazy with my gear and have been throwing my camera in my Lululemon backpack wrapped in a scarf!

kids in bed - Perfectly Real Artist

What is your favorite type of light to shoot in?

My favourite light to shoot in is window side light.  I like how it can give my subjects pretty or dramatic shadows.   I usually like to underexpose my images and side light is great for that.  Golden hour is great too but I don’t get a lot of that in the mountains!

boy crying on kitchen counter - Perfectly Real Artist

What is the most valuable tip you have learned in pursuit of shooting in a more documentary style?

The most valuable tip I’ve learned from documentary style shooting is to shoot with your gut and that it’s okay if it’s a little messy.  I usually like my messy photos the best.  And to be patient waiting for the moments to unfold.  I also find that I prefer black and white images for documentary shooting unless the colour helps to tell the story.

Family making sushi - Perfectly Real Artist

Do you have a favorite spot to watch life unfold and shoot?

I love shooting in the kitchen!  So much happens in the kitchen and it’s usually a pretty open space. My boys love to help cook and are always at the table doing their arts and crafts, building Lego or playing board games. I love the colours of the food, the movement of hands, the love that’s put into making meals and when people are together and enjoying their food. The kitchen is the heart of the home so what better place to photograph! 

girl jumping in hallway - Perfectly Real Artist

To learn how you can become a Perfectly Real Artist please visit our Submissions page for details!



Boy blowing bubbles - Family Documentary Photography

Meet Jodie Byrne

Contributor Profiles

Jodie is the mother of three boys and a lover of tea and real moments. She is from Wagga Wagga, Australia.

Where can we find you online (Website, Facebook, Instagram)?

Boy blowing bubbles - Family Documentary Photography

What’s your favorite lens for shooting this type of work?  And do you have any accessories you just love (filter, bag, camera strap, etc.)?

At the moment my favourite lens is the Sigma 35mm f1.4 ART lens. Its my go to for shooting inside with and if Im outside then it depends on my activity but a lot of the time it is still the 35 or the 100m f2.8 macro

father and son play - Family Documentary Photography

What are you drawn to document? Is there a particular composition, technique, or mood you love?

Real life, real emotions and everyday activities. My kids are my inspiration, the reason I got into photography. Capturing our memories and special moments as well as the everyday moments is what I primarily document. I ten to use rule of thirds a lot but there is no specific compositions I do all the time. just what I feel like in the moment. One style I do love shooting is dramatic light black and white images. That is one thing that I consistently shoot for most weeks. 

Veggies and kid hand - Family Documentary Photography

What is the most valuable tip you have learned in pursuit of shooting in a more documentary style?

Most valuable tip would be to make sure you get a tight, middle and wide angled shots of the scene as it can make a massive different to the story.

boy at sink - Family Documentary Photography

Why is storytelling photography important to you?  Why do you feel compelled to shoot with this approach?

Its important to me as I feel that by using storytelling and documentary photography my kids lives are well documented and we can preserve them for the future generations to see. I seem to have always been drawn to this approach but its only been recently that I have been refining my techniques to be able to really tell our stories with images.

boy on beach - Family Documentary Photography

Briefly tell us about your journey into family documentary photography.

As long as I can remember I’ve always taken photographs. When my eldest was born I was obsessed at capturing every single little detail of his life. From there I built my skills but its really been the last 2 years that I have seriously looked into and refined the practice of family documentary photography. A lot of workshops, practice, mini personal projects and daily shooting of my family and friends has made a massive difference to the images I capture and the stories they let us remember.